6 Common Skin Problems In Summers - Dr. Health ...

6 Common Skin Problems In Summers

6 Common Skin Problems In Summers

When riding through these busy roads to my office, I have seen many people who are indulged in their daily work without even using any sunblocks or any accessories such as a hat, mask, or sunglasses. This has made me to wonder that there will be thousands of people who go through such difficulties in their lives, and this has insisted me to inform everyone about the skin problems that one face in the summers.

Every one of us has to go outside, maybe to work, go shopping, or play, so it is essential to understand the consequences of sun exposure.

I personally advise children, young adults, and working men and women to foresee the dangerous effects of sun exposure as they cause changes in the skin, Early aging, Eye injury, Lowered immune system, and skin cancer. In this blog, 6 common skin problems that people experience in the summer will be discussed.


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Sunburn is the most common problem that most people struggle with in the summer season. Sunburn is mainly caused when an individual’s skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light for a more extended time. When your skin is exposed to the sun, your body protects itself by producing melanin faster. The extra melanin causes the tan that we see when we come out of the sun. But if we expose ourselves for a longer time to the sun, it can burn our skin and cause red rashes and other complications.

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Heat Rash

Heat rash develops on our skin when the sweat glands under the skin surface get blocked or inflamed. The blockage or inflammation is mainly caused due to increased heat and humidity. When these ducts get blocked, the sweat does not evaporate; rather than that, it gets trapped beneath the skin. When heat rash develops, it will cause the formation of an itchy rash that results in tiny red bumps. This skin problem is also called prickly skin. You can prevent it by avoiding exposure to the sun and by wearing loose-fitting clothing.

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Acne Breakouts

Acne formation mainly takes place when oil and bacteria get clogged in the pores of the skin. When you are out in the sun exposing yourself to harmful rays, it can cause excessive sweatiness. When we sweat, it causes oil and bacteria to build up, which gives the perfect environment for acne to develop. If you are struggling with an acne problem, it is recommended to take precautions to avoid sweating and use clean towels to cleanse your face and with that, wash your sweaty clothes before use.

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Psoriasis Flare-Ups

People who have psoriasis can actually struggle with a major outbreak in the season of summer. While a moderate amount of sun can relieve your symptoms, over-exposure and the excessive heat can cause sunburns, rashes, and itchiness that can flare up psoriasis. Mainly heat and sweat flare up psoriasis on your scalp and face. Therefore, it is advised to avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen if you plan to go out in the sun for more than ten-fifteen minutes.

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Dry-Irritated Skin

When exposing ourselves to hot air and humid weather, it can cause dryness and irritation on the skin. The dryness and irritation might be temporary, but if excessive irritation occurs, it can cause us to itch more harshly, which might cause scarring. Dryness of the skin can also cause a crack, which might allow bacteria to enter and cause infections. If dry, irritated skin is not treated in time, it can cause atopic dermatitis that can cause rash and cracking skin.

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 Sun Allergy 

People who are sensitive to the sunlight can develop allergies, and the most common sun allergy is polymorphic light eruptions which are also known as sun poisoning. When sun allergy affects one’s skin, it can cause redness, itchiness, Scaling, Blisters, and tiny bumps. Sun allergy can also occur if an individual is on some medication that reacts upon the skin when exposed to the sunlight. Some of the medications are ketoprofen, tetracycline, doxycycline, etc. 

All the above-given information is delivered to inform the people about the harmful effects of sun exposure and some skin complications one might go through in the summer season. Being aware of these skin problems, one can opt for a better resolution if they expose themselves to the sun or are living in a place where temperatures are high.

We at Dr.Health have dedicated our services to the betterment of people struggling with skin problems. Here at Dr. Health, the treatment is based on the ancient science of Ayurveda that uses herbal medicines, a suitable diet, and appropriate exercise for the betterment of people affected with Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Acne, and Eczema.

Author Name: Shijo V Thomas

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