International Yoga Day 2022: 7 Healthy Drinks to Support Your Yoga Practice - Dr. Health ...

International Yoga Day 2022: 7 Healthy Drinks to Support Your Yoga Practice

International Yoga Day 2022: 7 Healthy Drinks to Support Your Yoga Practice

Every Year 21st June is celebrated as International Yoga Day. While we all are indulging ourselves in Yoga, there are a few ancient principles that should be followed to support and gain Positive effects from our practices. 

International Yoga Day – Importance of this Day

Yoga (Union) has been practiced in India since the 5th century. It has shown benefits in keeping the body and mind in sound health. It is said that Yoga asana makes the body strong and flexible, and as the health improves, the mind itself gets renewed with confidence. 

It was Prime Minister Narendra Modi who suggested this day be celebrated as International Yoga day during his speech at the UNGA, which was then accepted by 177 member states of UNGA. 

We at Dr. Health take this day as an occasion to celebrate our therapeutic ways prescribed from Ayurveda, which consists of life-transforming Yogic exercise and herbal medicines that promote male fertility and skin health

International Yoga Day – Why is Yoga Necessary for a Healthy Body?

“Yoga is a way of living that nurtures mental and Physical health, leaving us in perfect equilibrium and harmony.”

Yoga is now acclaimed as a science of modern living. As we have made ourselves so busy with our work and lifestyle choices, Yoga is the only way out. Yoga has the power to calm our busy minds, maintain resilience and develop an integrated personality. Yoga has shown positive effects in treating Male Infertility and has also played an important role in keeping skincare up to date.  

As everything in our surroundings has flourished, our work life has also reached a stage where we constantly spend most of our time in one place. Our way of living has been made so easy that everything is available at the doorstep. All the advances have positive as well as negatively affected us. 

While negatively affected by the way of living that we have acquired, I see Yoga as the only way to relax your mind and body at once. Yoga can do unspeakable miracles if performed in our daily routine. Yoga can reduce stress, keep you in check with reality, build up your determination, makes you more flexible, and allows you to have a “Me Time.”

While engaged in regular yogic exercises, you should also know the ways to support your practices. And to do that, with the guidance of Himanshu Dhawan and Dr. Megha Chaturvedi, I have come up with a few herbal drinks that give you 100% benefits of your indulgence in Yoga and also promote male fertility and skin health.

International Yoga Day – Drinks that will Boost your Yoga Practices.

As the sessions change, our body goes through the cycle of changes that serve to harmonize and create balance within. The influence is mainly due to the overall changes such as hours of daylight, sessional food, weather patterns, and seasonally inspired activities. 

As the summer is at its peak, we have restricted ourselves from engaging in activities that promote physical and mental health. Even I have stooped cycling as the heat is unbearable. As I experienced that I was falling into a sedentary lifestyle, I decided to start with Yoga. While performing Surya Namskar, Anjaneyasana, Utkatasana, and various other Yoga poses, I was recommended by the experts of Dr. Health to add on some detoxing drinks that will support my Yogic Practices, and it actually helped me. That is why I decided to let everyone know what these drinks are and how they are beneficial.

Here is the list of seven drinks that has been used in Ayurveda from our ancestral times that go hand-in-hand with Yoga.

Turmeric Milk (Haldi Doodh) 

According to Ayurveda, turmeric milk has various properties that benefit our overall health. If you drink boiled milk with a quarter spoon of turmeric and little honey, it can help prevent stomach ailments, allergies, skin problems, cancer, obesity, and sleeplessness. Drinking turmeric milk also helps to remove blood toxins and promotes flexibility that supports your yogic practices.

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Ginger Tea

It is said that most yogic practitioners start their morning with a sip of ginger tea. Boiling grated ginger for five minutes and adding some honey to your morning tea can help prevent many ailments associated with our health. The main ingredient, ginger, is beneficial in many ways. It helps to prevent digestive problems, heart disease, blood pressure, diabetes, pain & inflammation. Ginger also contains properties that improve skin health and the quality of semen.

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Amla Juice 

The Indian Gooseberry is said to have antioxidant properties, and it is also an immunity booster. Having amla juice every day before or after your Yoga can help you prevent liver disease, digestion problems, heart disease, hair fall, and kidney disease. In addition, Amla can help you increase sperm count and motility and promote skin health by keeping the skin soft and young. 

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Coconut Water 
This drink is the most organic one that you can integrate with your daily intake. As coconut water contains minerals like magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, and calcium, it is very beneficial for our overall health. Coconut water helps in preventing health problems such as kidney stones, blood pressure, Dehydration, constipation, and inflammation. It also helps in promoting skin health as well as fertility in men.

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Aloe Vera Juice  
Aloe Vera is a short-stemmed plant that has fleshy upright leaves which are green in color. These leaves hold a clear gel that is 99% water that contains vitamins such as A, C, E, and B12, enzymes, minerals, sugar, lignin, and amino acid. Aloe Vera juice has properties that help prevent oxidative stress. Aloe vera is also good for skin health as it contains vitamin C and E. 

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Orange Juice 
Oranges are known for their high vitamin and dietary fiber content. Orange juice helps to boost immunity, Skin health, and stomach health. Juicing up orange and drinking it in the morning will provide you with 110 calories, 27 grams of carbohydrates, and 2 grams of protein. Drinking orange juice will provide you with adequate vitamin C and antioxidants that help in boosting sperm motility and allows you to prevent sperm defects. Orange juice is a good source of potassium that helps to rehydrate and recover from any pain or stretch.   

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Lemon Grass Juice
Lemongrass contains properties that help in relieving pain and swelling. It also provides protection from bacterial or yeast growth. If lemongrass is consumed after your yogic sessions, it will calm your muscles and help you relax your whole body. Lemon grass also helps in keeping our skin healthy and glossy. Lemon grass contains antioxidants that protect the cells of our body from oxygen-derived free radicals and helps in preventing male Infertility. 

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Get Up – Do Yoga – Reenergize – Rest – Get Up – Do Yoga…

At Dr. Health, all the treatments are integrated with Yogic Exercises that support the Patient’s recovery. Our Treatment goes hand in hand with yoga, and while engaged in yogic practices, these drinks will help you to rejuvenate yourself and help you prevent various illnesses.

We at Dr. Health have provided life-changing treatment with the help of Ayurveda. We mainly emphasize in providing natural ways of treatments for male Infertility and skin problems such as vitiligo, psoriasis, acne, oligospermia, azoospermia, varicocele, and Erectile Dysfunction.


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