Skin Treatment

Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo

A Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo approved by Ayurveda!

“My patient’s first and foremost query is what Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo shampoo they should use to protect their hairs in scalp psoriasis” Dr. Megha Chaturvedi. Scalp psoriasis can be an…

Psoriasis Awareness Month 2022: 6 Facts An Expert Dermatologist Tells You About Psoriasis.

Every Year August is celebrated as World Psoriasis month, which aims to educate and create awareness among people about Psoriasis and its effects on a person who suffers from it….

World Vitiligo Day 2022: कैसे करें सफ़ेद दाग (Vitiligo) से बचाव, क्या खाएं और क्या नहीं?

आजकल के समय में जहां हर रोज़ नई-नई बीमारियां अपने पैर पसार रही हैं, वहीं, आपने देखा होगा कि कई लोगों के शरीर पर सफ़ेद दाग होते हैं, जिन्हें आमतौर…

Skincare Myths on the Internet Debunked by Skincare Expert – Dr. Megha Chaturvedi

Thanks to the internet & old wives’ tales, there are ‘n’ numbers of skincare advice being thrown around—and not all of it is good. In fact, some of this ‘advice’…

6 Common Skin Problems In Summers

When riding through these busy roads to my office, I have seen many people who are indulged in their daily work without even using any sunblocks or any accessories such…

Arthritis Awareness Month – Ways to Manage Arthritis 

The fifth month of every year is accepted as National Arthritis Awareness Month. Arthritis affects over 400 million people around the world, which is 7% of the total population. Arthritis…

Is It Safe To Drink Milk After Chicken? Here’s The Answer!

Do you think twice before taking milk because you had chicken or fish for lunch or dinner? It’s not just you – there are many who are uncertain about this…

Have You Ever Wondered Why Psoriasis Patients Are Asked To keep track of Their Diet? 

Present days are so advanced that various treatments are available to manage Psoriasis, from skin ointments to medications that alter your immune system. But have you ever wondered that your…

Causes of Acne: तनाव ही नहीं इन 5 कारणों से भी होते हैं मुहांसे, जानिये कैसे रखें अपनी स्किन को Acne Free

क्या आप नियमित रूप से मुहांसों से पीड़ित रहते हैं? अगर हाँ, तो आपने पहले से ही इस समस्या से राहत पाने के लिए अलग-अलग तरीकों से कोशिश की होगी।…

Dandruff vs. Scalp Psoriasis

Are you confused about whether the struggle you are going through is from Dandruff or Scalp Psoriasis? What are the causes of Dandruff and Scalp Psoriasis? Is Dandruff a fungus?…