Is It Safe To Drink Milk After Chicken? Here’s The Answer! - Dr. Health ...

Is It Safe To Drink Milk After Chicken? Here’s The Answer!

Is It Safe To Drink Milk After Chicken? Here’s The Answer!

Do you think twice before taking milk because you had chicken or fish for lunch or dinner? It’s not just you – there are many who are uncertain about this combination, which is considered harmful. In fact, some even believe the combination can give you white spots or infections.

An expert Ayurvedic practitioner from Dr. Health Dr. Megha Chaturvedi says, “Chicken & milk must never be consumed together. It can cause terrible allergies.”

It is the popular belief that the combination of certain foods & drinks, due to their properties, are not acclaimed for human consumption. Even an Ayurveda principle states – Foods requiring different digestive environments need to be consumed in isolation. Therefore, it is mandatory to eat the appropriate type of combination at the right time or interval to avoid ruining your health.

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Since time immemorial, one big glass of milk has been a favorite nutritional portion for Indian mothers. For its ‘n’ numbers of health benefits, milk has been hyped as a complete food. Barring iron, milk is packed with all vital nutrients, such as carbs, fats, fibers, proteins, and vitamins. Perhaps, this is why the people who are quite wary of the time should be cautious before having milk, the quantity of milk, & what all they should be teaming milk with. 

For instance, some people say milk should not be teamed with chicken or fish or any other non-veg foodstuff as it can cause tummy problems due to upset doshas. A modern-day Ayurveda expert, Dr. Megha Chaturvedi, also claims that the combination may also trigger white spots (called vitiligo).  

As per Ayurveda, the primary reason for this is the misbalance of three doshas – Kapha, Vata, & Pitta. This may wreak havoc on one’s health & well-being. The combination of milk with chicken (or any non-veg stuff) might not be a good idea as the digestion process of milk differs from the digestion process of chicken (rich in protein). At the same time, it takes longer to digest milk due to the protein (called casein) in it. Having both foods together may hinder the overall digestion process. Having milk & chicken might therefore cause toxins to accumulate in the body.

Frequent consumption of this combination can even lead to adverse effects in the long run. These effects may include gut-related issues like stomach ache, indigestion, nausea, bloating, gas, ulcers, bad odor, constipation, acid reflux, etc. This is, however, not scientifically proven & is an observation that is based on individual experiences of people who might have consumed milk chicken at times or frequently.

Another usually perceived side-effect of consuming milk chicken together is skin patches or disorders. This ailment is called vitiligo – a skin pigmentation issue that causes white spots on the skin, & with no known reasons for its occurrence. Apparently, even this notion has no scientific proof. Both milk and chicken have different sets of proteins. Even, the protein included in chicken might be far more complex than the protein found in milk, & even for people who are lactose-tolerant, the mixing of these two kinds of proteins during digestion may not be appropriate. 

To know different causes of vitiligo, click on the below link. Subscribe our channel and stay tuned for more updates.

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All the aforesaid information mentioned may not be applicable for people who have a strong digestive system and can easily digest any sort of food or food combinations. Those with sensitive digestion should avoid milk chicken (or milk & any non-vegetarian) together. Let us tell you that eating such food can cause many skin problems, such as psoriasis, code, & leucoderma (vitiligo). Yes, it takes time to digest meat & for this reason, non-vegetarian food should not be consumed for at least 3 hours after the consumption of milk.

A healthy diet also means keeping away from toxic or harmful food items or food combinations in order to ensure a better way of lifestyle. After all, a healthy gut is essential to sustain & also promote a healthy body!

Author Name – Kanika Girdhar

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