Arthritis Awareness Month – Ways to Manage Arthritis - Dr. Health ...

Arthritis Awareness Month – Ways to Manage Arthritis 

Arthritis Awareness Month – Ways to Manage Arthritis 

The fifth month of every year is accepted as National Arthritis Awareness Month. Arthritis affects over 400 million people around the world, which is 7% of the total population. Arthritis is mainly a disease of the elderly, but it can also affect children. Arthritis commonly affects women compared to men. There are 100 types of Arthritis, among which the most common ones are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid Arthritis. 
 Dr. Health, an Ayurvedic clinic, has dedicated its services to conquer Arthritis and its effects through Ayurvedic medications, appropriate exercise, and diet. The main principle in conquering Arthritis is to learn the facts and understand your condition, which will allow you to manage the symptoms and keep Arthritis at its bay. 

What is Arthritis?

 Arthritis is a disease that induces pain and inflammation in the joints. The symptoms of Arthritis include joint pain, stiffness, redness, warmth, and swelling in the affected joints. When Arthritis develops, it causes a decrease in the individual’s range of motion. There are many types of Arthritis, and the common ones are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid Arthritis. Osteoarthritis generally occurs as we age, and it affects the fingers, hips, and knees. Whereas rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that mainly affects the feet and the hands of an individual. Few other types of Arthritis are Psoriatic Arthritis, Gout, Septic arthritis, and lupus arthritis. 

 What does Arthritis Awareness month want from people?

   First, not all joint pain is related to Arthritis which is why it is important to understand before trying to manage it, and to do that, the first thing is to go for a diagnosis. Going for diagnosis can be a task, but it is essential to determine what the symptoms are and how much it has worsened. Once the diagnosis is complete, the doctor would suggest you to go for treatments that include physical therapy, medications, surgeries, and adaptive aids. What they do not suggest is to go for natural treatment, which can be achieved by Ayurveda. As in Ayurveda, there are many ways to manage the condition and keep you disease-free. 
 In Ayurveda, “Amavat” is the term used for Arthritis, and it is stated that the main reason for Arthritis to occur is due to the deposition of toxins “Amas” in the joints of the body. The main reason for the development of toxins is said to be due to problems of indigestion or stomach-related issues. Therefore by removing the accumulated toxins in the body, one can begin a basic treatment and management for Arthritis

 What to Do In This Month of May?

As per Ayurveda, Arthritis management requires dedication and patience as it requires life-changing activities and strategies. The strategies and activities that should be followed are as follows:

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Pick Up Self-Management Skills 

 Indulging yourself in self-management programs or workshops can help you learn skills to manage Arthritis and allow you to keep up with your Health. These strategies will assist you in keeping control over your Health, Allow you to manage pain and other symptoms, Allows you to carry out your daily activities such as going to work or spending time with your loved ones. These skills will also help you reduce stress, improve your mood and make you a better communicator with your health care personnel. 

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 Lead an active Life

The best way to manage Arthritis is simple, and it is commonly done by most people to keep themselves healthy, that is, by being active physically. Physical activities are the best non-drug way to relieve arthritis pain. Indulging oneself in physical activity can reduce pain and improve functions, mood, and quality of life. It is recommended to all the adults to indulge themselves in 150 minutes of physical activity every week.

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Keep a Healthy Weight 

Managing one’s weight is important to keep one’s overall Health up to date. When struggling with Arthritis, this simple management will help arthritis patients to feel livelier and stress-free. Whereas people who are overweight or obese have discomfort in their joints as our whole body’s weight depends upon it. It is stated that just by losing as little as 5-7 kilograms of weight can help you reduce pain and improve function for people with Arthritis. A low-impact arthritis-friendly physical activity and dietary changes can assist you in losing weight and gaining a new pain-free life.

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Love your joints!

There are several joint injuries that can worsen or cause Arthritis. By incorporating several types of activities, such as walking, swimming, and bicycling, the symptoms of Arthritis can be decreased by 40%. These are the low-impact physical activities that lower the risk of injury & don’t put too much stress on your joints. If the joints face any sports- or work-related injuries, then the possibility of developing osteoarthritis can increase. To reduce the possibility of developing osteoarthritis, take steps to minimize or prevent injuries to joints. Let’s sit back & discuss tips related to Arthritis with Dr. Megha Chaturvedi.

 Bottom Line

 Dr. Health has dedicated its services to treating patients struggling with Arthritis under the expertise of Dr. Megha Chaturvedi, who has devoted her life to treating patients struggling with various skin disorders. As a result, Dr. health is successful in treating thousands of patients struggling with Psoriatic Arthritis, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Author Name: Shijo V Thomas

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