Dr. Health

High Blood Sugar and Male Infertility

There are several factors that are not very known among people about the effects of Diabetes. One way how Diabetes affects our body is also with regards to its effects…

Ayurvedic Varicocele Treatment

Varicocele is like having vascular veins in scrotum or the testes. Vascular veins is a condition where the blood carrying tubes inside a particular body part swell up and stick…

Ayurveda Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo is a rare skin disorder that causes the skin to lose its color and form smooth white patches in different parts of the body. It is also termed as…


Varicocele is a condition where the veins inside your scrotum swell and get more significant in size. The scrotum is the shielding sac around your testes and is responsible for…


Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that causes skin cells to multiply up to 10 folds faster than average. Such a fluctuation makes the skin turn bumpy red with plaques…


Vitiligo is a rare skin disorder that causes loss of skin color infraction of patches. It is a long-term disease and the smooth white spots formed are due to the…

Male Infertility

Infertility issue among couples is no longer a secretive notion as approximately 15% of them experience fertility problems. Traditionally and due to several taboos in our society, male infertility has…


What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is an acquired autoimmune skin disorder affecting 1% of the population worldwide. It can affect any part of the body. It develops early in life, between 10…